MAGNET is a collaboration between the World Bank’s Africa Gender Innovation Lab (AFRGIL) and Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) teams, the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), the International Rescue Committee (IRC), and researchers at Oxford University, Makerere University, Asian Development Bank, The Brookings Institution, Tufts University, and University of Alicante. We plan to develop a range of new survey tools, each tested across multiple contexts. MAGNET focuses on three dimensions of women’s agency that have high potential for catalyzing progress on women’s economic empowerment, but for which the body of existing measurement methods is weak or under-tested: (i) ownership and control of assets, (ii) goal-setting and decision-making, and (iii) sense of control and efficacy.
MAGNET is funded by the Umbrella Facility for Gender Equality (UFGE) in partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. UFGE isa multi-donor trust fund administered by the World Bank to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment through experimentation and knowledge creation to help governments and the private sector focus policy and programs on scalable solutions with sustainable outcomes. The UFGE is supported with generous contributions from Australia, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Iceland, Latvia, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.